Artist Guild

Art with Artistree:

Once a week we join Artistree Community Arts Center of Pomfret,VT for an instructional art class. We have many instructors, including Finnie Trimpi, who help us explore many different art forms. This is an inclusive and adaptive art class that assists all artists. We are all artists and everyone participates at their own level. Finnie insists there is no wrong way  to do art-we can all be successful! and create beautiful masterpieces!


Several times a month we take the short journey to Artistree Community Arts Center in Pomfret, Vermont to participate in a pottery class with Fiona. This incredible program enables us to create masterpieces-small and large. Fiona gives us detailed step-by-step instructions but she strongly celebrates our own particular styles and techniques as we work with clay. We are able to use all of the supplies Artistry has on hand. After we glaze our pieces Fiona fires them up. Everyone can create beautiful pottery regardless of any prior experience or talent.


Jools Skeet has been perfecting her storytelling craft for over 2 decades. Once a month she brings her craft to Zack’s Place where she offers an interactive storytelling adventure that is followed by a related hands on art project. In Jools’s words “Using the magic of the imagination and the assortment of weird and wonderful objects, we collectively imagine a journey that could take the group ANYWHERE!” Participants help lead the story and become part of the process making each program unique and rewarding for them.


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